Episode 123 “Cake and Burritos”
We’re Live! Josh is upset with Apple and hates change. EntreProgrammers discuss wireless headphones. John argues that new technology is forcing us to move forward.
Derick is impressed with the Apple Magic Track Pad. John mentions they need to start a new show doing tech reviews on their technology.
John mentions that the Patreon was a success with 1500 pledges. John talks about how the Pateron is similar to a Kickstarter, and you need some momentum to make is work.
Josh joking says they should open source Simple Programmer. John gives us a peak of the new Simple Programmer logo, and the runner up logos.
John gets some mic technique instruction. Going back to tech talk for a minute.
Derick is shares that his Watch Me Code team is growing, and working with a new video editor. Derick talks about planning work with Mark, the “marketing guy.” Derick is working on reorganizing the email content with Mark.
The EntreProgrammers talk about linking others video content on their Youtube video channel, in order to get people hooked. Derick shares that he is a bit overwhelmed with hiring several people and working on the marketing material.
Derick talks about helping create a workflow for his video editors, and making sure they understand how to adapted Derick’s video editing style. John talks about getting a system in place, then upping the content production.
Josh shares how he likes to set up a workflow with his VA. Derick wants to get to the point where he does not have to worried about the tasks that his VA doing for him.
Josh talks about working with VAs that are flaky or not coming through on projects. Josh shares the ideal qualities for a VA.
John asks for feedback on a real estate course he is creating. John asks if he should be or not using the H.265 video encoding. Josh shares some news on the new Dropbox update.
John talks about a passive income bundle which is the real estate videos he recorded in an afternoon. Josh talks about buying into John’s passive income course ideas. Josh says he is going to end up in jail because on this new real estate project.
John talks about a video by JP a spiritual life coach, and having a bunch of laughs. Josh shares that he did something easy for work, that might have a big impact. Josh moves a button and is instantly a genius.
Derick says that he got a new Watch Me Code customer. John suggests getting their addresses and write them a handwritten note, as a thank you. The EntrePrgrammers talk about ways to collect their mailing address without being creepy.
Josh mentions that they need to get paid for reporting bugs in DPD. John is talking at the California Code Camp. John shares his new strategies for is talk, and wants to be more interactive with the audience.
Josh talks about platforms for webinars and his strategies for having a live event. John mentions doing a calendar invite in order to have people aware of the event.
John shares more stats on his new health program. Josh is impress with his scientific findings on how fat molecules are converted into energy. John talks about still gaining muscle weight while in a calorie deficit.
John talks about having some sweet goodies during this work out, diet program, and scientifically describes the process. We need a human achievable version of this workout and diet program.
The EntreProgrammers discuss more diet and exercise. Josh mentions he want to try John’s diet and workout plan. John talks about the science of fasting.
Thoughts for the Weeks
Derick - Don’t bite of more than you can chew
Josh - It’s easy to go looking for more, when you’re not using what you have.
John - This too shall past..