Episode 126 “Relaunch?”
John talks about taking only a Chrome Book to China with VPN configuration to use internet. John is going to be in Beijing and other parts of China for a couple of weeks. John talks about doing an hour and half Keynote during his recent talk.
Josh talks about working with Aaron who is helping Simple Programmer with blog posts, embedded material, and code.
Josh talks about using certain settings in Drip that have to do with marking strategies and email material. Josh talks about not having any meetings for weeks or a month, and having to redo his accounts and move money around to make paychecks happen.
Derick shares that everything possible has happen with week and is working with Mark. Derick talks about doing his second webinar with Scott Harrison. Derick mentions having an incredible discussion on the webinar, but had very low attendee numbers.
Derick talks about possibly reediting video content for new projects. Derick talks about doing a noise removal and compression on the audio to improve the quality of the audio for new publishing.
Derick talks about mentioning John and Simple Programmer in a new Youtube video. But John’s name was misspelt. Derick talks about be called Daxter for two years and not ever fixing the problem before the person found out on his own.
Derick talks about and email he wrote about being in a Spanish class, comparing learning how to write in a new language or programming code. Derick shares that he is doing a 500 dollar retainer with Mark and arranging the partnership. Mark is going to be doing marketing work for Derick digital products.
The EntreProgrammers talk about sharing lawyers and preparing the documents for partnership. Derick mentions that most law offices don't know much about online business. Josh mentions how each of the mastermind members are doing a lot of hiring.
Josh talk about hiring for a designer, and using particular job title heading to weed-out a larger portion of people who are not qualified. Josh talks about giving extensions and firing on the spot. Josh and John discuss hiring people for particular jobs for Simple Programmer.
John talks about chatting with people in Las Vegas and trying get some interesting stories. John talks about learning about a cab driver who needs to learn soft-skills in order to get a programming job.
Josh asks that he needed help with some marketing strategy or delivering end to end value information. Derick talks about how to create an avatar for their market. The EntreProgrammers discuss Josh’s email/copywriting course.
Derick and Josh talks about how to structure the email course and how to come up a great avatar. Josh talks about taking a personality type test similar to the Myers Briggs tests.
Josh ask how many people would buy the course even if they don't have a product to sale. Josh is planing to do 2000 words of text for each module. The video with be him sharing his screen and talking. Josh this he can sell the product for 97 dollars each.
The EntreProgarmmers discuss the learning how relaunch their product and improving that business sales. Josh talks about maybe relaunching the How To Market Yourself course, and updating material. John think is makes more sense to create an Entrepreneurial course, rather than do a relaunch of How To Market Yourself.
John think that having more product is better for those who join your emailing list, and are more likely to purchase. John would like to expand the product line and product 2-3 products a year.
Derick thinks a proper relaunch of RabbitMQ could be helpful and reaching new customers and furthering his reach with his RabbitMQ bundle. And an interesting conversation about education level and success as an entrepreneur.
Thoughts of the Week
John - There is a different between being in a hurry. Being in a hurry is never good.
Derick - Deliver end to end value with each iteration.
Josh - Eliminating things is painful.