“Sticker Cheap…”
John mentions trying to connect to the internet last week. John talk about his experiences in China. John talks about his trip or tours of China. John talks about the language barrier and the difficulties of communication during the trip.
John talks about the difference between Europe and China, and language barriers. John talks about the complexities of communication in China.
John thinks that China will rapidly surpass the US. in world power and growth in technology. John talks about how their economics are based on entrepreneurship rather than conventional jobs.
John talk about how his book was #1 on amazon in China, and possibly translating Simply Programmer into Chinese.
John talks about gaining 10 t0 15lbs because he could not do any exercise. Panda Express everyday. John mentions that KCF is very popular in China. KFC everywhere!n John talks about the similarities in food to American from China.
Josh ask about the safety in China. John says it was very safe and the evenings were busy. John talks about the different cultures all over China. John share the dinning rituals in China and the different cultural practices. John shares the cheap prices of food.
John talks about the cost of living in parts of China.
Josh talks about the week he did not have John around. Josh shares that he did has been lightening up his workload. Josh share his work for the week while John was out on vacation to China.
Josh share some of his interest on the upcoming webinars his is doing. Josh share his ideas for his webinar.
John asks Josh if he read the 10X Rule book. Josh talks about having a great month at Simple Programmer. Josh shares some numbers.
Josh and John talk about the Patreon project and fund. Josh talks about losing people on a course and possible ways to try to rebound numbers.
Chuck asks if the majority of sales come from product sales for Simple Programmer. Josh explains the multiple streams of income Simple Programmers is generating. John talks about the upcoming ideas for the new book sales and bundle type ideas.
Josh talks about actually taking a break and down consistent production over time.
Josh shares that he has been losing weight along with John and working out on consistent basis. Josh shares his workout plans.
John talks about the prescriptive workout. Chuck talks about getting back for training for boycott leaders. Chuck hires Podcast Motor for audio editing for some of Dev Chat Tv’s podcasts. Chuck spill the beans to Mandy about changing up the editing for the podcasts.
Chuck is working on automating stuff for his business. Chuck shares his ideas for working with Podcast Motor.
Chuck mention that his next sprint is working on the conferences are transferring work for podcast to Podcast Motor.
John talks about the 80 20 rule and having built up a revenue channel. Josh talks ways Chuck can promote his project. Josh talks about being ask to teach a class or course.
John shares his he experience with the traveling and international date line.
Thoughts for the Week
John - Take a realistic assessment of where you are, and that is where you are.
Chuck - Sometime you have to make those tuff decisions.
Josh - What would this look like if it were easy.