Episode 183 "I Don't Owe You S&%$”
It appears that we’re live.. John in Tuscany…somewhere. John says is no AC at the gym. And some talk on about superstitions on opening windows.
Chuck talks about maybe visiting Italy one day. John talks about the outdoor activity and site seeing. John talks about practicing his Italian, because less people speak Italian.
Chuck talks about going to Las Vegas with his father in-law. Chuck one the a conference and made some connections and possibly landing guess for future podcast episodes. Also, possible gaining some sponsorship. Overall a good experience for Chuck. So Chuck worked on Conferences, Podcasts, and Sponsorship.
Chuck says he might want to replace Baba again… Bells ringing. Chuck and Josh take about setup a system. John suggest some testing out a popular episode.
Chuck talks about the next steps for the publishing for the episodes. Josh suggest adding a subscribe link or button.
Chuck talks abut opposition for putting out content among podcasters or bloggers. It happens, and it is normal. Chuck ask about who is answering John’s email. Josh says he wants to have some one in a personal assistant role.
John say he want to revamp his email, or get a personal assistant who know everything about his email. John talks about email and assistants. John talks about the Art of Computer Science guy, who does not have email. John says email is a difficult problem and no one has solved them yet..
John says he got an electronic voicemail from the IRS. But he said the word “kindly” gave them away. John talks about dealing with the IRS.
EntreProgrammers talk about auto pay and mail service. Josh ask Chuck how he is tracking sponsorship out reach.
Chuck say he need more out of Blue Tick. Josh talks about looking into Salesforce, and they figure out a plan for you. Josh talks about how emails are harvested.
John talks about screen scraping.. John asks Josh what has been going on at simple programmer. Josh talks about Ads.
Josh says sales have plummeted, it may just be because it is the end of August. Josh talks about getting a membership site finally. Josh continues to talk about what he was up to at Simple Programmer.
Thoughts for the Week
John - Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems
Chuck - Make a plan and follow it
Josh - Practice ….virtue